Objavljeni radovi/Research papers you can find here: Research papers | PIXEL (pixel-ports.eu)


Matija Široka, Stjepan Piličić and Teodora Milošević participated at the 12TH CROATIAN SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL MEETING WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION "AIR PROTECTION 2021". The meeting was organized by the Croatian air pollution prevention association in cooperation with Institute for medical research and occupational health, Croatian meteorological and hydrological service, European Federation of Clean Air and Environmental Protection Associations (EFCA) and International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Associations (IUAPPA ).
Joint research activities has been introduced through
 abstracts: M. Široka , S Piličić, T Milošević, I Lacalle , L Traven: PORT ENVIRONMENTAL INDEX  (English and Croatian version). After evaluation the abstract has been elected for the EFCA section (European Federation of Clean Air and Environmental Protection Associations: https://efca.net/). Matija held the lecture within the EFCA section. The Conference was held in Medulin, Croatia, September 15-17, 2021.The Conference was the opportunity to disseminate PIXEL project and MEDRI team distributed leaflets and promo material (PIXEL notebooks and pencils with PIXEL logo) to the participants. More info and photos below:

Druga obavijest i program
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Scientific achievements in 2020 was held within the Faculty of Medicine 2020 Annual Days where our young researcher PhD student, Stjepan Piličić presented PIXEL project on April 8th, 2021 at Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka. Participants followed the presentations online.

 Professor Luka Traven, Invited speaker: Assessment of the impact of port activities on human health and the environment using a composite index leveraged by IoT.

 39. Scientific Symposium: Recent scientific achievements of the Teaching institute of public health, Primorsko-goranska County.

 Organizer: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine. Rijeka, November 28, 2019. Venue: University Campus.

Eight conference on Marine Technology, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Rijeka

November 15-16, 2019, Rijeka, Croatia

Stjepan Piličić and Teodora Milošević: PIXEL project - Poster presentations




On Friday, September 27th 2019. the PhD student Stjepan Piličić, a researcher from the MEDRI team has delivered a talk at Faculty of Engineering of the University of Rijeka on his work within the PIXEL project. The title of the talk was „Mapping of noise pollution in port areas“.


The presentation is a mandatory part of the doctoral study and a requirements for the enrolment in the second year of the postgraduate doctoral study of Mechanical Engineering.


In addition, Mr. Piličić is working on a term paper for one of his subjects, which is also directly related to the PIXEL project as it deals with modelling of noise dispersion in one of the PIXEL pilot ports (ThPA).


More about the Postgraduate doctoral study can be found at:


PIXEL PROJECT at GreenerSites Final Conference –Environmental Rehabilitation of Brownfield Site in Central Europe –  GreenerSites (Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE project supporting cooperation on land management).

The GreenerSites Final Conference was held in Rijeka on July 3rd, 2019 in the Main Hall of the City of Rijeka. This was the opportunity to introduce PIXEL project to the EU project partners and local and regional authorities and private companies interested in the development of brownfield sites. On this occasion Professor Traven delivered ECOPORTS presentation.

Doc. dr. sc. Igor Kegalj predstavio je PIXEL projekt učenicima brodostrojarskog smjera tijekom održavanja redovite nastave 22. veljače 2019. godine u Pomorskoj školi Bakar./



On 22/2/2019. Assist. Professor Igor Kegalj presented the aims and scope of the project during the course Electrical Engineering and automation for fourth grade students of Marine Engineering.



10.-15. prosinca 2018.

  U sklopu obilježavanja Dana Medicinskog fakulteta, 13. prosinca 2018. je održana Znanstvena tribina na kojoj su prezentirana najnovija znanstvena postignuća Katedri Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci.

Tom prigodom izv. prof. dr. sc. Luka Traven, dipl. ing. sa Katedre za zdravstvenu ekologiju, predstavio je europski projekt PIXEL na kojem je voditelj./


Professor Luka Traven, MEDRI team leader from Department of Environmental Medicine, presented European project PIXEL.